Sunday, July 24, 2011


Nyepi is a Hindu holiday that is celebrated every year New Saka.This day falls on a count Tilem Kesanga (IX) which is believed to be on the purification of the gods at the center of ocean water Amrita brings the essence of life. For that Hindus do worship sacred to them.Nyepi is derived from the quiet (silent, silent). Nyepi Day is actually a celebration of the Hindu New Year is based on calendar / Saka calendar, which began in 78 AD. Unlike the celebration of new year AD, Saka New Year in Bali begins with solitude. No activity as usual. Abolished all activity, including public services, such as the International Airport was closed, but not for hospitals. The main purpose Nyepi is pleading before the Almighty God, to sanctify Buwana Alit (human nature / microcosmos) and Buwana Supreme / macrocosmos (universe). Before Nyepi, there are several series of ceremonies performed Hindus, particularly in the areas of Bali. Three or two days before Nyepi, Hindus perform ritual purification by Melasti also called Melis / Mekiyis. On that day, all means of worship at Temple (shrine) in procession to the beach or lake, because the sea or lake is the source of holy water (Tirta Amrita) and can purify all leteh (gross) in man and nature. The day before Nyepi, namely the "tilem sasih Kesanga" (moon of the 9th), the Hindus perform ceremonies Yadnya Blind in all levels of society, from each family, banjo, village, district and beyond, by taking one of the types caru (such offerings) according to his ability. Yadnya blind, each named Panca Sata (small), Panca Relatives (medium), and Tawur Great (large).Tawur or pecaruan itself is a purification / pemarisuda Buta Kala, and all leteh (soiling) are all expected to disappear. Caru undertaken at home each consisting of foreign rice (five) totaled nine duel color / package pauknya and side, like chicken brumbun (colorful) with tetabuhan wine / wine. Yadnya blind is addressed to The Blind King, Blind and Batara Kala Kala, with the begging them not to disturb the congregation. Mecaru Pengerupukan followed by a ceremony, which is spread spread tawur rice, torch-obori home and around the yard, menyemburi house and yard with gunpowder, and hitting any objects (usually kentongan) to speak crowded / noisy. This stage is performed to drive out of the home environment Buta Kala, yards, and the surrounding environment. Lodging in Bali, pengrupukan usually enlivened by the parade Ogoh-Ogoh which embodies Buta Kala who paraded around the neighborhood, and then burned. The same goal which is expelled from the surrounding environment Buta Kala. The next day, ie on Kedasa Purnama (full moon to-10), it was Hari Raya Nyepi real. In today's atmosphere as dead. No busy activity as usual. On this day Hindus perform "Catur Brata" which consists of observing Penyepian geni (no berapi-api/tidak use and or turn on the fire), observe the work (not working), observe lelungan (not traveling), and observe lelanguan (not listeningentertainment). And for those who can also perform tapa, Brata, yoga and semadhi. So for the new, completely new start with a clean white page. To start a new life in the year Caka any, basis is used, so that everything we do starts from nothing, pure and clean. Each men of knowledge (the wruhing tattwa Jnana) implement Brata (curbing the passions), yoga (connecting the soul with paramatma (God), tapa (endurance exercise suffer), and contemplation (united to God, the ultimate aim is the sanctity of inner and outer). All of it becomes imperative for Hindus to have an inner readiness to face any challenge life in the new year. The habit of celebrating the holiday with the pleasure-loving, gambling, drunkenness is something wrong habits and should be changed.The last series of the Saka New Year celebration is a day that falls on Geni Ngembak "ping pinanggal kalih" (date 2) sasih kedasa (X months). On this day the Saka New Year for a second day. Hindus do Dharma Shanti with large families and neighbors, give thanks and sorry forgive each other (ksama) each other, to begin a new year a clean sheet. The core philosophy Tattwamasi Dharma Santi is a view that all human beings all over the world as the creation of Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa should love each other with each other, forgive all the mistakes and errors. Live in harmony and peace.

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