Friday, July 29, 2011


Tampaksiring is a small town that has the most impressive old monument in Bali, here too there is a big important temples and public baths, Tampaksiring is a haven for tourists from Ubud to Lake Batur.Kawasan Looks Siring already very popular, especially as the first president of Indonesia - Soekarno, established the State Palace are located adjacent to the Pura Tirta Empul. Tampaksiring name derived from two words Balinese language, the Tampak (which means 'palm') and siring (which means 'oblique'). According to a legend recorded on palm leaves Usana Bali, the name was derived from the soles of the feet of a former king who named Mayadenawa. King is clever and powerful, but it is insolence. He considered himself god and ordered his subjects to worship him. As a result of the nature Mayadenawa it, Indra angry and sent his hosts for menghacurkannya. However, Mayadenawa ran into the woods. In order to lose track of his pursuers, he walked by tilting the soles of his feet. That way he hopes that his pursuers do not recognize that the traces left behind it is the human footprint, which traces Mayadenawa.Usaha Mayadenawa failed. Eventually he was captured by his pursuers. However, before that, with the remnants of his power he managed to create a spring that causes a lot of toxic death for his pursuers after they drank water from springs ciptannya it. Indra also create other springs as an antidote to the poisoned water. Water poison bidder was given the name Tirta Empul (which means 'airsuci'). Forest area through which the King Mayadenawa denagn walking on his leg that is tilted that this region is known by the name Tampaksiring. Tampaksiring has several attractions that are well known by foreign tourists and domestic, while the object is Amongst the districts with eight domestic tourists this famous village because there is the presidential palace. But in fact, districts with an area of ​​42.63 square km are many tourism objects have already famous around the world. Such as Gunung Kawi, Pura Tirta Empul and many more historical sites to the south.

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