Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bajra Sandhi Monument

Bajra Sandhi Monument is monument to the struggle of the people of Bali are located in Renon, Denpasar, Bali. This monument occupies a vast area, there are several football fields around it.
And Bajra Sandhi Monument is a Balinese Struggle Monument to pay homage to the heroes and the preservation of life is a symbol of seedbed Balinese people's struggle from generation to generation and from age to age. Location of the monument is located in front of the Office of the Governor of Bali Province are also on the front of the Parliament Building Niti Mandala Renon Bali Province in the field exactly Puputan Renon.
Monuments areas the data overall rectangular square with the application of the conception Tri Mandala:

1.Main Mandala is a courtyard / building that most middle
2.Madya Mandala is a courtyard that surrounds the Main Mandala
3.Nista Mandala is the most outer courtyard that surrounds Madya Mandala

Building the monument on Main Mandala arranged into 3 floors:

1.Utamaning third floor of the Mandala is positioned at the top serves as a space tranquility, quiet, quiet place to enjoy the atmosphere of the distance around the monument. The visitors can see panoramic Denpasar from this place. When the weather is sunny so the scenery Denpasar clearly visible. To reach this place must go through a fairly high melingkat stairs.

2.Madyaning Mandala is a second floor serves as a diorama which amounts to 33 units. Floor 2 (two) as a miniature display of Balinese people's struggle from time to time. Dioramanya similar to those in the Monas, Jakarta. But it is here only shows the struggle of the people of Bali. Start the royal era, the influx of Hindu Majapahit, colonialism, wars of independence, until today.

On the outside perimeter of the room have an open porch or patio to enjoy the surrounding atmosphere.

3.Main Nistaning Mandala Monument Building is ground floor, which contained information space, keperpustakaan rooms, exhibition halls, meeting rooms, administration rooms, buildings and toilets. In the midst of the room there is a lake that is named as Puser Tasik, eight poles and also the great staircase rose-shaped Tapak Dara.

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